
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Smallest I've Been. . . Blahest I've Felt

So I now weight around 134lbs. Yay! I am happy to see that number before 6 months postpartum but at the same time it just doesn't feel like it should. Before I got pregnant I was about 140lbs. When I met the hubby (almost 4 years ago!) I was 130lbs. I felt good about my body, wore the cute jeans and undies and life was good. Then came the relationship and another 10lbs with it. Boo!

So after Addie's birth I really wanted to get back to prepreggo weight and then lose an additional 10lbs. I am almost there. My size 8 jeans fit, but because my ass has disappeared they fall down by afternoon. My size 6/7 jeans give me muffin top and camel toe but at least zip up. So I am in in between land (for some stupid reason typing that just made me think of the Phantom Tollbooth, no idea why and it has been over 13 years since I read it. . huh). This is the smallest I think I have been in 2 years. I should be totally stoked. . . but I am not. I have fat in new spots on my hips. . and I have good 5lbs of tummy to loose. I feel like my body is more blah than it was prepreggo even though I weighed more. Hubby won't stop complementing me and telling me how awesome I look (poor me) but I just don't see.

Always my own worst enemy I suppose.

I could stop typing there, which i probably should but I must continue onto a new topic. I watched Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (I have netflix and it was down low on my list but nothing else was available) and oh. . .wow. .

Cheesy! That sums the whole movie for me. I mean the plot made no real sense to me. All the women where tiny as toothpicks and looked the same to me. Also. . there was some holes that I didn't feel were explained well. Like how did they cover up the huge downtown fight at the end of the first movie? Good movie for numbing the mind if you can stop yourself from going "what?" the whole time. I could not. Luckily the hubby didn't tell me to shut up once, cause he totally felt the cheese factor.

I now hear they are making a third. . . oh boy.

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