
Friday, July 23, 2010

Auto Karma

Today while on my way to Target for some much needed retail therapy I watched as an older woman merged out into traffic and slowed to try and get into the far left lane. There was not a steady stream of cars coming when she moved out and though I did think it odd how slow she was moving I didn't think it warranted the horn blast she got for the lady coming up behind her. It then became clear that the reason she was moving so slow is that she wanted in the left lane so she could get into the left turn lane and she would not have the opportunity to do so again. I understood the dilemma, I have even had the same issue time and time again. If you don't get into the lane now, you won't have another chance and will have to drive past your turn and have to navigate back. Once she successfully got into the left lane (this just took a matter of seconds) the lady behind her quickly drove past and flipped her the finger.

Really!?!? Was that so called for? All I have to say is that older lady did not deserve that and hope that the other lady gets some karma back for that move.

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