

So who is the lady behind the page you ask?  I am Jenn, a 27 year old (I had to pause and think if I was 27 or 28 for a moment) wife and mother of one.  This new mom stuff should cause such exhaustion that I can't think straight, and most the time it does.  However, at night when I finally get to go to sleep and catch a couple hours sleep before my gorgeous daughter cries out to me, I can't.  My mind just keeps going and sleep takes at least an hour to arrive.  Sucks.  So I have decided that while most of my life might not be very interesting some of the stuff that pops into my head needs to go somewhere.

I have had blogs in the past.  One I even wrote in for over a year but not consistently.  Then years ago I use to keep an online journal before the word "blog" hit.  It was fun, I coded my own pages and made awesome friends.  Then college got put first, then leaving school, moving home, getting jobs, meeting my love, getting married, getting pregnant, going to counseling, having a kid (see where I am going?).  So I dropped the ball, I left the world of blogging.  Now I lay awake at night thinking about how I need to do kegels, or going running (but I can't run without being winded), or my fav. . . leave my boobs alone Kid and Hubby! My boobs.  So here I type.

If you have any specific questions ask away but for the most part you will get to know me through my posts.

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